The weather has warmed up, the ice scraper is back in the trunk and the heater has given way to the air conditioner. Now it’s time to pick a destination for your summer road trip.

Millions of Americans pile into the family roadster each year and head out on the open road for a few hours, or maybe a few days, to reach a place they’ve been dreaming about for months. If you’re planning on joining those ranks this summer, here are a few suggestions for making the trip more enjoyable. Start by remembering to bring that cell phone charger. It’s all about the basics people.

Make arrangements — If this is a trip lasting multiple days, you’re going to want to arrange for a place to stay before you hit the road. You don’t want to be stuck out there without a room and a shower, unless roughing it is your thing. Be sure to pack a few snacks, too.

Check the weather — It sounds obvious, but maybe you don’t want to be driving through tornado alley when there are, you know, tornadoes. A little planning might allow you to miss those thunderstorms and gray skies.

Be prepared — Make sure you have basic essentials such as a flashlight, water and a functional spare tire with the tools to change it. Hopefully it’s an easy drive, but you don’t want to be kicking yourself for not making sure you have these things if you do find yourself with car problems.

Get an Audible subscription — Have your favorite book read to you or maybe pick something new off the best seller’s list. Sit back and relax and let the story come to life as the miles pass by.

Pack some patience — We get it. This is your vacation time and you don’t want to spend a minute of it stuck in traffic or listening to a kid crying in the backseat, but do yourself a favor and understand some of these things are unavoidable even with the best laid plans. So roll with it, put the windows down, turn on some music and enjoy the freedom behind the wheel.